June 29, 2023 2 min read

Weekly Routines: Common Room Day

Common rooms are such wonderful spaces where beautiful memories are made. Whether it's your living room, dining area, or cozy family room, it's super important to keep these spaces clean for a healthy and welcoming atmosphere (and you never know when an unexpected guest might pop in!). So, let me share some helpful tips on how to effectively clean your common rooms:

1. Let's start with decluttering: Take a moment to remove any items that seem out of place. Put them back where they belong, and you'll see how much easier cleaning becomes. Tidying up is like a magic trick that sets the stage for a sparkling space! If you make this part of your daily routine, this part will be a breeze

2. Time for some dusting magic: Grab a microfiber cloth or a feather duster and work your magic on all the surfaces. From shelves to tables and even those sneaky baseboards, give them a gentle swipe. Oh, and don't forget to sprinkle some extra love on your decor and picture frames too!

3. Sweep away the blues: Grab your trusty dust mop or vacuum cleaner and give those floors and carpets a thorough cleaning. Get into every nook and cranny, including those tricky corners and the areas under furniture. It's like giving your room a refreshing spa treatment!

4. Get your wipe on: Take a damp cloth and give all the surfaces in the room a nice wipe-down. From countertops to tables and chairs, let's make them shine! For those stubborn stains, bring out the secret weapon: a little spritz of Good Vibes APC spray. It works like magic and leaves a fresh scent behind.

In conclusion, when you keep your common rooms clean, you create a cozy, inviting space where everyone feels comfortable and welcome. So, follow these easy steps, sprinkle a dash of joy, and watch your common room transform into a haven of cleanliness and good vibes. Enjoy the process, and remember that a clean space is a happy space for all!

Ymani Efunyale
Ymani Efunyale

I created Good Vibes because my family deserved better, and so does yours 💚

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