August 23, 2022 1 min read

When it comes to decluttering challenges, I prefer to start small.  Starting with small areas can help motivate you to tackle the big ones.  There is something about admiring a clean, uncluttered surface that makes you want to keep going so you can get the rest of your home in order.



So, choose a surface to declutter this week. Any surface.


  1. Remove EVERYTHING from the surface.
  2. Dust and wipe the surface down with your favorite Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner, to help keep your spirits high.
  3. Sort everything you removed into the three piles.
  4. Choose 1-3 things to put back on the surface. Depending on the surface, make sure the items you put back are useful (meaning you use it often) or beautiful (meaning you love to look at it).
  5. Put away, throw away, or give away everything else
  6.  As you are going through the sorting process, remember why you are doing this. Stay focused and relentless about getting rid of things you no longer use or love.


If you have the time and energy to tackle another surface go ahead and do so.


To maintain your newly decluttered surfaces, be sure to take 5 minutes every night to remove anything that doesn't belong and put it where it belongs. The key is consistency, If you tidy up every night you won't have to spend a lot of time doing it.


Share your progress.  Take pictures and tag up on Instagram @goodvibesapc

Ymani Efunyale
Ymani Efunyale

I created Good Vibes because my family deserved better, and so does yours 💚

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