June 27, 2022 2 min read

Sometimes cleaning up can seem like such a daunting task, especially if you haven't done it in a while.  As dust, dirt and clutter start to pile, it becomes more and more challenging to clean it up.  You often don't know where to start and it seems like It will take forever to get it all done.  So, how do we eat this elephant? We eat it one bite at a time.


The focused 15 is about starting in one area and giving it all you got for 15 minutes.  First, you set a goal. For example,  "I'm going to work on these dishes for 15 minutes and get as much done as I can".  Next, you gather everything you need to get it done. Dish soap? Check. Dish cloth? Check.  Then, you set that timer for 15 minutes and you focus on doing as much as you can do.  No getting distracted with something else that needs your attention, no snack breaks, just pure, unadulterated focus.


When you hear the timer, you stop.  Reward yourself and go about your business until you can do more.  It may seem like a small amount of time but you'd be surprised how much you can get done in a focused 15.  This is especially useful when you are pressed for time, like in the morning when you know you have to rush off to work.  There is something magical about HAVING to get it done in 15 minutes because that’s all the time you have. 


Once you have tackled the big jobs, the key is to maintain the clean with daily cleaning routines.  Dedicate 15 minutes for tidying up every morning and every evening.  A little cleaning every weekday ensures you wont have huge cleaning jobs that cut into your leisure time on the weekends.  For more info about cleaning routines click here.


If you need a little inspiration, get you some Good Vibes. Click here


What's the most neglected area of your home right now?



Ymani Efunyale
Ymani Efunyale

I created Good Vibes because my family deserved better, and so does yours 💚

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