June 08, 2023 2 min read

Discover A Safer Cleaning Routine with Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner

Is your peace of mind often disrupted by concerns about the health risks posed by your cleaning products? If so, you are not alone. Many people share these concerns, weary of the hazardous chemicals lurking in their cleaning arsenal. Fortunately, there's a path to leave behind these anxieties and adopt a safer, plant-based solution that brings serenity to your cleaning routine—Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner.

Conventional cleaning products laden with harsh chemicals can cause a myriad of health issues. Skin irritations, respiratory problems, and even hormonal imbalances have been linked to these products. The overpowering, artificial scents alone can set off migraines and headaches. This cycle of worry for the health of your loved ones can be not just mentally exhausting, but also seemingly unending.

Luckily, the solution is simpler than you might think. While natural alternatives like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can be effective, not everyone has the time or inclination to prepare DIY cleaning mixtures. That's where Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner comes in. It is the perfect balance of safety, effectiveness, and convenience.

Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner is a powerful plant-based cleaning solution, capable of tackling dirt and grime with ease. Despite its gentle nature on the skin and the senses, it's a robust cleaner, impressing even the toughest skeptics with its performance.


If you're curious yet hesitant, let the products in our Starter Collection do the talking. Test the cleaning power of Good Vibes while trying out every scent to see which one you fall in love with.

 By choosing Good Vibes over the conventional, chemically heavy cleaners, you're not just ensuring the safety and well-being of your family. You're also making an economical choice. A little goes a long way—a single tablespoon in 16 ounces of water is sufficient for daily surface cleaning. For mopping, half a cup in two gallons of hot water will do the trick.

Discover its versatility by pairing Good Vibes with baking soda to create a powerful scrub for sinks, tubs, and showers. Have stubborn stains? No problem. Use it at full strength on any rinsable surface. It even works wonders in your laundry, making it a genuine superhero in a bottle.

What truly sets Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner apart, however, are its unique scents. Unlike the harsh, synthetic smells of bleach or ammonia, our cleaner leaves behind an enchanting aroma that elevates your cleaning experience into a zen-like ritual. Think Nag Champa, Frankincense & Myrrh, and Sandalwood—scents that soothe and uplift.

So why wait? Embrace Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner, and purge your life of toxic cleaning products. Create a healthier, cleaner, and more peaceful home for your loved ones. Try Good Vibes and experience the transformation for yourself.

Have you already tried Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner? We'd love to hear about your experience. If you haven't, are you ready to embrace a cleaner, more serene home with Good Vibes? Let us know in the comments!


Ymani Efunyale
Ymani Efunyale

I created Good Vibes because my family deserved better, and so does yours 💚

2 Responses


June 11, 2023

Thank you Julie. We love to hear things like this. This is what it’s all about. Please consider leaving a review. 🙏🏽💚


June 09, 2023

Love your Nag Champa. I use it to clean my bamboo flooring (and other things I learned about from your website). I have dogs, and was concerned about what I used on the floor as they walk on it and lick their feet. Your products not only smell wonderful but are non-toxic, too. Thank you!

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